Our goal is to design, develop and produce products that are intelligent, smart and energy efficient for the customer and automotive markets.

Rivan Smart Manufacturing Private Limited is a manufacturing based company established in the year 2022, with an objective to design, develop and manufacture smart, intelligent and energy efficient products in the Consumer as well as Automotive Sector.

Apart from Manufacturing, the company aims at offering Technical Internships for undergraduate, postgraduate as well as research scholars in the areas of CAD/CAM/CAE, Manufacturing, and IIoT, Additive Manufacturing, Reverse Engineering and Electric Vehicles.

Why Choose Us

Transport is a fundamental requirement of modern life, but the traditional combustion engine is quickly becoming outdated. Petrol or diesel vehicles are highly polluting and are being quickly replaced by fully electric vehicles. Fully electric vehicles (EV) have zero tailpipe emissions and are much better for the environment. The electric vehicle revolution is here, and you can be part of it. Will your next vehicle be an electric one?

Tax and Financial Benefits

Registration fees and road tax on purchasing electric vehicles are lesser than petrol or diesel vehicles. There are multiple policies and incentives offered by the government depending on which state you are in. To find out more about electric vehicle incentives, click below .

Low Maintenance Cost

Electric vehicles have very low maintenance costs because they don’t have as many moving parts as an internal combustion vehicle. The servicing requirements for electric vehicles are lesser than the conventional petrol or diesel vehicles. Therefore, the yearly cost of running an electric vehicle is significantly low.

Electric Vehicles are Easy to Drive

Electric vehicles don’t have gears and are very convenient to drive. There are no complicated controls, just accelerate, brake, and steer. When you want to charge your vehicle, just plug it in to a home or public charger. Electric vehicles are also quiet, so they reduce noise pollution that traditional vehicles contribute to.

Zero Tailpipe Emissions

Driving an electric vehicle can help you reduce your carbon footprint because there will be zero tailpipe emissions. You can reduce the environmental impact of charging your vehicle further by choosing renewable energy options for home electricity.

Lower Running Costs

The running cost of an electric vehicle is much lower than an equivalent petrol or diesel vehicle. Electric vehicles use electricity to charge their batteries instead of using fossil fuels like petrol or diesel. Electric vehicles are more efficient, and that combined with the electricity cost means that charging an electric vehicle is cheaper.

No Noise Pollution

Electric vehicles have the silent functioning capability as there is no engine under the hood. No engine means no noise. The electric motor functions so silently that you need to peek into your instrument panel to check if it is ON. Electric vehicles are so silent that manufacturers have to add false sounds in order to make them safe for pedestrians.


What type of motor is used in electric vehicles?

We use Brushless DC motors in both three-wheeler and two-wheeler electric vehicles. A differential-powered motor is allocated in a three-wheeler and a hub-motor is utilised in a two-wheeler.

What are the items covered under the warranty of Rivan E-Vehicles?

Items like motor, controller, charger and battery are covered under the warranty of Rivan e-vehicles.

What will be range of Rivan E-Vehicles?

Range depends on multiple factors but the battery capacity is the most important among them. Other factors affecting the mileage are air pressure on the tyre, road condition, load on the vehicle and riding pattern. The mileage can vary from 50 to 200 km based on the different external factors.

How can the product quality be maintained?

We have our research and development team to look after the life-cycle of every product. They take care of all product business requirements.